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Indian Hills Rock painted for Back to School with Welcome Back  - a bus, crayons, ruler, notebook and other school supplies.
Second grade learners playing on the monkey bars during lunch recess.
Mrs. Higgins reading The Book Without Pictures to a kindergarten class while they sit on the rug in front of her in the library.


Founded in 1968, Indian Hills Elementary School is part of the Pocatello/Chubbuck School District 25. Home of the Cougars, the school's Principal is Mrs. Jill Johnson. 

News & Announcements

Indian Hills News

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Press Releases

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Indian Hills Elementary At-A-Glance


Learners in Grades K-5


Faculty & Staff


Of the Cougars 


Royal Blue & Gold

Our Stories

When I walked into my 3rd grade class I knew this was going to be a good year. Ms. Bidwell taught me lifelong skills by teaching me multiplication and money skills. She inspired me to go to school happier and lastly she has helped me set goals for the future of my life.

Erik A.

Mrs. Austin has inspired me to go for my dreams no matter how high they may be. She is a huge part of the person I am and who I am becoming. Mrs. Austin is truly the best teacher I have ever had. 

Dylan W. (Former student)